"Nothing would be done at all if one waited until one could do it so well that no one could find fault with it".
Cardinal J. Newman

I have been attending Caroline's yoga classes for over 7 years. She is brilliant. She has a good knowledge of anatomy and knows each individual in the class and is very mindful of any problems or injuries we have. I had tried other yoga classes for a term of two in the past but then dropped out. Yoga4wellbeing is different. The classes are small and Caroline makes sure everyone works safely and to their own level. What is more, we have a bit of a giggle at the same time!
Maggie D.
Testimonials from Y4W clients

After moving back to Norfolk from London I
found it difficult to find a yoga class with the
right level of challenge and variety. Since joining
Caroline's class around 8 years ago each week
the classes combine a mixture of regular
postures and those to challenge a particular
Two years ago I attended one of Caroline's
retreat days where we prepared for committing
to daily yoga practice over the summer holidays.
I enjoyed the day and left thinking I'd give it a
go, but with no expectations - thinking I was the
least likely person to succeed with work, young
children etc. I am still practicing yoga every
day - two years later and have fond memories
of different locations of practice from cramped
and hard floored hotel rooms, the garden, my
bedroon in the dark of winter and a Bedouin
tent to name a few! I am amazed by the effect
of daily practice - finally sorting my back out
after a gymnastics injury many years ago
as a teenager.
Amanda Addison
Following the birth of my daughter 24 years ago I became determined to regain my figure as quickly as possible, so I
embarked on a fast and furious exercise routine. My various activities included running, squash, swimming and
punishing aerobics classes, working with and without weights. Desiring that toned 'six pack' I spent a fortune on gym
memberships and suffered various joint problems, but carried on regardless.
Then around 4 years ago I received quite a shock, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Having to undergo major
surgery I feared I would never regain my figure or fitness again. Within weeks I went back to, of all things, working out
with weights but soon had to admit defeat!
Being vegetarian and having an interest in alternative medicine, I had oftern considered practicing yoga, however, I
didn't feel it would be enough for me. Then last summer a notice was posted through my letterbox "Yoga4wellbeing"
classes were being held at my local village hall, excellent! I called Caroline straight away to book my place. I haven't
looked back!
Caroline is an excellent teacher, her classes are very enjoyable and have shown me a superior way of toning and
strengthening my body. Joining Caroline's yoga class has helped me cope with everyday stress and tension, loosened
my joints and toned my muscles, all in a very non-aggressive way.
Caroline teaches to all levels of fitness and demonstrates various examples of each pose, Whilst encouraging and praising each personal achievement, she never makes anyone feel incapable or inept"
Sharon G
This was written by Sharon over 6 years ago and she continues to come to class every week! I feel very lucky to have a group of clients who have developed not just an amazing personal yoga practice but have created a supportive and caring yoga community. Caroline xxx June 2015

This lovely wording was sent to me in a card when my client Julie moved out of the area.
Dear Caroline,
Thank-you so much for
introducing me to yoga; for
being a patient, knowledgable
and caring tutor and helping
me restore balance (literally)
to my life.
I will miss this wonderful class
so much.
Julie x
Caroline has taught me for nearly 10 years. As a horse rider,gardener and office worker my back used to suffer and I would take regular trips to the oeostepath. I find these visits are a thing of the past as yoga keeps me flexible, strong and gives me a sense of well being.
Caroline is an excellent teacher. She recognises our physical individuality and is adaptive. Her classes are fun and we benefit from her extensive knowledge, experience and intelligent approach.
Carolynn Rye

I have been practicing yoga with Caroline now for 10 years and have found it invaluable. I have osteo-arthritis in my lower spine and was in a lot of pain. Using carefully selected movements during my practice I am now pain free. On leaving a class I feel ten feet tall and ready to face the world.
I cannot speak highly enough of our teacher who has made me able to dance again! Whatever your age, ability or disability yoga is a fantastic exercise that can be done by all. Come and join us and see for yourself and feel the benefit.
Ann Barnes