"Nothing would be done at all if one waited until one could do it so well that no one could find fault with it".
Cardinal J. Newman

Yoga4wellbeing provides small Yoga classes in community venues in South Norwich and the surrounding villages. I am passionate about bringing Yoga to all ages and athletic abilities. The most common reason I hear for not going to a class is, "I am so stiff and inflexible I couldn't possibily do yoga!". Well my response is always the same, Yoga isn't about touching your toes or performing complicated movements. The essence of Yoga is to be completely in the present moment, listening to your breath and just feeling. You can do that without the need for having open hamstrings or standing on your head!! (although being upside down is fun ).
Come and join us for a class and see.....

Thought for January

When our water element is in balance, we can learn to appreciate silence.
Mimi Kuo-Deemer
Follow us on Social Media for all the lastest updates on availablilty
Latest News
New Term begins on 6th January. I have very limited spaces this term so please call before attending class unless you are a returning clients.
The video membership passwords remain the same for this term.
During the next couple of months I am working with The Feed to provide some free classes to anyone on low incomes. If you are interested in attending classes please contact me directly for full details.
I look forward to seeing you in class soon.
Caroline xx

Next Full
Moon Practice
13th January,2025